Question: How can i start using the enigma2 plugin?
Answer: You will need a buy a IPTV Panel Professional v2 subscription at .
Question: Do i need to Pay for the enigma2 plugin?
Answer: The first 10 enigma2 devices are free, but if you want to make use of more devices then you will need to buy it also at
Question: How can i generate the plugin?
Answer: Login at your CMS example After you logged in you press on the menu item: Plugin. You need to write now the name which u want to have displayed at your customers main screen. mypanelName, you can use space if you want that. Press on generate, and go to other pages after 3 minutes you can press at plugin again and you can download the plugin. Login to your server with winscp and create a folder at /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/wwwdir/ called enigma2 so it will be like this: /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/wwwdir/enigma2. Open the downloaded files with example winrar and upload it to that folder. now your files can be reached by your clients.
To test it out you can do this
You can also watch this youtube video which will explain that
Question: I generated plugin, but its not giving the downloading button?
Answer: Sometims it can take longer to generate because maybe another customer did generate before u so u will need to wait 6 minutes or more till your files are finished. It is also possible that a new version gets launched and so the server is busy with generating for everyone new packages.
Question: How can i install it at a enigma2 device?
Answer: You download putty and write the ip of the box in the place where hostname is written, u need to also tick on the telnet option and press open. Now u write the right command:
u write now the command uname -a, u will see after that mips, sh4 or armv7. There are 2 packages that are confusing, the mips32el package is most used package and works on most boxes. The mipsel package is made for old boxes as the boxes like Dreambox 800hd clone.
opkg install http://DNS:PORT/enigma2/XtreamTV_0.0.x_mips32el.ipk
opkg install http://DNS:PORT/enigma2/XtreamTV_0.0.x_mipsel.ipk
opkg install http://DNS:PORT/enigma2/XtreamTV_0.0.x_sh4.ipk
opkg install http://DNS:PORT/enigma2/XtreamTV_0.0.x_arm7a.ipk
Question: How can i remove XtreamTV plugin?
Answer: opkg remove XtreamTV
Question: A client of mine get the message no access, You need to verify?
Answer: You need to write the MAC id which is displayed on the screen of the customer on the panel menu: Add e2 devices .
Question: A client of mine get the message no access, there is a problem with the internet connection.?
Answer: The client have no internet connection, to solve this you can run the network test in enigma2 which can be found in the enigma2 menu.
Question: A client of mine get the message no access, there is a connection problem with the server?
Answer: The customer can not reach the dns of the server, you can test it out to login on his box and write ping dns, if its not responding. look at the blocked ip list inside your panel. If its not written there you need to run the command: echo “nameserver” > /etc/resolv.conf .
If the customers ip is appeared in blocked ip list, that can be a reason of many request this can happen sometimes when the client takes a lot actions in a short time.
Question: A client of mine is have issues regarding the speed of the application.
Answer: This can be caused by ipv6, to disable it go to settings and press the blue button and restart the box. The plugin must run smooth again.